Investigating the Rhizome (Deleuze & Guattari)

rhi·zome [r zm ] (plural rhi·zomes) noun. an underground stem; a thick underground horizontal stem that produces roots and has shoots that develop into new plants. In some plants such as the iris it is fleshy, and survives the winter.

As a subterranean stem or network structure that is absolutely different from roots and radicles. Bulbs and tubers are rhizomes. Plants with roots or radicles may be rhizomorphic in other respects altogether. Burrows are too, in all their functions of shelter, supply, movement, evasion, and breakout. The rhizome itself assumes very diverse forms, from ramified surface extension in all directions to concretion into bulbs and tubers…the rhizome includes the best and the worst: potato and couchgrass, or the weed (A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Deleuze & Guattari, 1987: 6-7).

The rhizome acts by variation, expansion, conquest, capture, offshoots…in contrast to systems with hierarchical modes of communication and preestablished paths, the rhizome is an acentered, nonhierarchical nonsignifying system without a General and without an organizing memory or central automaton, defined solely by a circulation of states (A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia Deleuze & Guattari, 1987: 21).

Isn’t this also characteristic of information?

Inseparably fused with the idea of plateau, the rhizome is related to hypertext [theory] and nomad thought.